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May/June 2014 Prayer Letter

May/June 2014 Prayer Letter

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The Lord has been blessing at Calvary Baptist Church.  We have seen people saved and lives being changed for the glory of God.  Thank you so much for standing with us as we continue serving here in Tacna, Peru.

Fruit that may abound…
In our last prayer letter, we gave report of Oscar’s salvation.  2 Cor. 5:17 says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Since trusting Christ as Savior,  we have seen a change in Oscar’s life. He has been a faithful witness to his friends and family.    First, Oscar’s wife Natasha made a profession of faith.  She has been faithfully coming to church with their 2 sons.  Please pray for Kurt and Mijael to be saved!

At the beginning of May, Oscar invited us to visit with his friend John.  Luis (the man who had initially witnessed to Oscar) and I had the opportunity to share the Gospel with John and his sister Monica.  John had been struggling with severe depression and was planning suicide.  He explained to us how he had tried everything to bring peace to his soul, but that he always ended up with a terrible emptiness.  We spent about 4 hours with them that night explaining about the peace that only Jesus Christ can bring.  In the end, both John and Monica accepted Christ.  Please pray for them to grow spiritually and also for their father and Monica’s 4 children to be saved.

Manuel is another friend of Oscar’s who  was living a life full of lying, robbery, and drinking.  He heard about the change in Oscar’s life, and Oscar began to witness to him about his need of trusting Christ as Savior.  Manuel admitted that he couldn’t get victory over his problems, and on May 29th, he was saved.  It was such a blessing to hear him sincerely cry out to God to save him!  Please pray for him, as he has a complicated job situation (3 weeks in the mines and 1 week at home), that he would grow spiritually.  The first service he and his family attended was preceded by his little girl throwing up all night.  In fact, when they arrived at church and stepped out of the car, she threw up all over the sidewalk.  He said “We can’t go home. We need this!”  I dare say many would stay home under such circumstances.  What a blessing to see someone so hungry for God’s Word!

Last week, we had the opportunity to see 2 more friends of Oscar and Natasha’s accept Christ, Liliana and her teenage daughter, Daniela.

Prayer Requests:
◆ For God to bless in the Thursday night Bible studies
◆ For those we are discipling to be faithful to the Lord and to grow spiritually
◆ For our Missions Conference, June 25-29. Missionary to North Africa, Renzo Zuñiga will be with us.

My visa process went fairly smoothly, and I should be able to go to the capital to pick up my residence visa in a few days.  While we were in Lima for my interview, I had the privilege of witnessing to and leading to Christ a man named Tito.  Tito is the brother of Luis, a faithful man in our church.  It worked out due to a few problems with my paperwork (which were later resolved), that I had a stay in Lima for an extra day.  It was on that last day that Tito trusted the Lord as his Savior.  God makes no mistakes!

There is much to be done teaching and training these new believers.  We are humbled and blessed that God has chosen us for this work.  Thank you for your prayers on our behalf!

En el amor de Cristo (in the love of Christ),
Robert, Sara, Josiah, Caleb, Joshua, Lydia, and Zachary Stover



Field Contact Info:
Robert & Sara Stover
Casilla 317
Tacna, Peru
South America
E-mail: rstover22@yahoo.com
Vonage: 330-238-4944

Sending Church:
Carrollton Baptist Temple
Pastor David Powell
1211 Lincoln Ave. NW
Carrollton, OH 44615

Stateside Contact Info:
Macedonia World Baptist Missions
P.O. Box 519
Braselton, GA 30517

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