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July/August 2017 Prayer Letter

July/August 2017 Prayer Letter

Posted by

Thank you to those of you who prayed for our missions revival.  The Lord moved in the hearts of our church people in a special way.  How can more laborers be recruited?  Jesus says in Matthew 9:38, “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.”  Please pray with us that God would raise up many more laborers to go forth both here in Peru and around the world.  In addition, our faith promise commitment as a church was double that of last year.  What a blessing!

20915474_1436683883066609_5528535415982535663_n Visiting Missionaries and guest speaker for Missions Conference

20915393_1436684119733252_6955158463997855109_n Children’s Choir singing during Missions Conference

21267692_10214333743119757_865993401_o South American Traditional Dress during Missions Conference

21245695_10214333743479766_662760773_o Missions Conference

Church Bus

I know that the Lord has used many of you to both pray and give toward this special project.  We were able to use part of the money to purchase a used bus.  It has already been such a blessing to the church!  Our desire is to buy another used bus that we could fix up as necessary and use to pick up children in another part of town.  Please pray that the Lord would provide us a good deal on the 2nd bus and also for safety as we bring children to church each Sunday.

21222341_10214333689958428_598391518_o New Church Bus

 Bible Institute

We also began our 3rd semester of Bible Institute on August 14.  I have the privilege of teaching Baptist Distinctives  this semester.  Old Testament Survey, Hermeneutics, and Soteriology (the doctrine of salvation) are also being taught. Please pray that many would continue to be trained and edified by these Bible courses.

 Family Update

We mentioned in our previous prayer letter that we were looking for another house to rent.  We thank the Lord that we were able to find a house that is close to the church, close to downtown, and has much more space (including a park across the street for the children to play).  In addition, many of you have prayed and given toward the purchase of a vehicle for our family.  We were able to purchase one about a month ago that serves us very well.  The kids like the car as well because…everyone fits!  We pray this vehicle will be a blessing to both our family and the ministry for many years to come.

It’s hard to believe, but we have begun our 6th year of homeschooling.  We have students in 5th, 3rd, 1st, and K5.  Please pray for a good school year for Sara and the children.


Urgent Prayer Needed!

Please especially pray for Estefany, a 13 year old girl who faithfully rides our church bus.  She has been sick for over a month with what the doctors have said is meningitis.  Her parents, Wilber and Pascuala, need to be saved. Our church has been able to reach out to the family through visits, prayer, and a special offering.   Please pray that the Lord would heal Estefany if it is His will, and that her family members would be saved!

Please also pray for the salvation of several visitors we have had over the past few weeks.


Thank you for all your prayers and sacrifice so that our family can minister here in Tacna, Peru.  We could not do what we do without you!

Serving the Lord with gladness,

Robert, Sara, Josiah, Caleb, Joshua, Lydia, Zachary, and Elijah Stover



Field Contact Info:
Robert & Sara Stover
Casilla 317
Tacna, Peru
South America
E-mail: rstover22@yahoo.com
Vonage: 330-238-4944

Sending Church:
Carrollton Baptist Temple
Pastor David Powell
1211 Lincoln Ave. NW
Carrollton, OH 44615

Stateside Contact Info:
Macedonia World Baptist Missions
P.O. Box 519
Braselton, GA 30517

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