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Stover Family March/April 2019 Prayer Letter

Stover Family March/April 2019 Prayer Letter

Posted by

As the Lord permits us to continue in ministry, we have become more and more aware of the need for intercessory prayer.  God blesses in the preaching of a message, someone is saved, a Christian takes the next step in his walk with God- none of these would be possible without the prayers of God’s people.  Paul must have felt the same in Philippians 1:3 where he states, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you…” We want to thank each of you for your prayers. They are such a necessary part of the ministry here in Peru.

Evangelistic Campaign

We were able to hold an evangelistic campaign Friday-Sunday of Easter weekend.  As a church we passed out more than 1000 invitations in the area around the church, and we were blessed to have several first-time visitors.  The plan of salvation was clearly preached and we pray the Lord would continue to give increase in the hearts of the hearers.


Easter Sunday was an exciting day as an entire family (dad, mom, and teenage son) made the decision to follow Christ in believer’s baptism.  This is the same couple who we mentioned in our previous prayer letter who were recently married.  We are thankful for this family and their desire to serve the Lord.

Easter Baptism Service

Easter Baptism Service












-Michelle, who we had mentioned as having a cyst in her mouth was able to have successful surgery to remove the cyst, which ended up being benign.

-Michelle’s mom, Rosa, continues a slow recovery with her severely broken leg, but we are thankful that during her time bedridden, she made the decision to accept Christ and has been receiving discipleship. She was able to be in attendance for a service of the Easter campaign. Please continue to pray for her husband Alfonso to be saved. 

-Mr. Jose, who we mentioned before, visited the church for the first time. Please pray for his salvation. His daughter, who is a Christian, continues to attend faithfully and has been bringing her sister who is deaf.  We are so thankful for missionary Bethany Homan who is working with the deaf here in Tacna and that our church is able to minister to this young lady.

-It is a joy to see a faithful young lady step up to begin to help in the children’s class. This is an answer to prayer as we have been asking the Lord for more laborers.  The family from our church at Bible college in the north have settled well and are busy serving and studying hard. We are encouraged to see God providing for them as they follow Him.

-We thank God for the opportunity we had to travel as a family to the jungle city of Iquitos to minister in the Peniel Baptist Church. Our eyes were definitely opened and our hearts touched to continue to pray for those who minister in this needy area.

Furlough Plans:

We are planning to take a furlough from December 2019 – June 2020. We are excited to see family, visit supporters (some of whom we have not seen in quite some time!), and  present the ministry in new churches. Please feel free to contact me (rstover22@yahoo.com or 330-238-4944) to coordinate a visit to your church.  Please also pray that we would be able to find a good price on airline tickets.

Thank you so much for being a key part of the ministry here in Peru through your prayers and financial giving!

Serving the Risen Savior,
Robert & Sara Stover and Family

Little hands helping to slide Easter invitations under doors

Little hands helping to slide Easter invitations under doors


Traveling to Iquitos

Traveling to Iquitos


Preaching at the Peniel Baptist Church in Iquitos

Preaching at the Peniel Baptist Church in Iquitos


Playing with a friend's macaw, Polly, who did like crackers!

Playing with a friend’s macaw, Polly, who did like crackers!


Patch the Pirate children singing on Easter Sunday

Patch the Pirate children singing on Easter Sunday























Field Contact Info:
Robert & Sara Stover
Casilla 317
Tacna, Peru
South America
E-mail: rstover22@yahoo.com
Vonage: 330-238-4944

Sending Church:
Carrollton Baptist Temple
Pastor David Powell
1211 Lincoln Ave. NW
Carrollton, OH 44615

Stateside Contact Info:
Macedonia World Baptist Missions
P.O. Box 519
Braselton, GA 30517

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