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January/February 2019 Prayer Letter

January/February 2019 Prayer Letter

Posted by

As is true today, the situation in the times of Hosea was a dire one.  Hosea 6:6 says, “For I desired mercy…and the knowledge of God…” May we desire those same things!  All nations need to know the merciful God who is the only One who can save souls and change lives. May we pray to that end!


God blessed with a great 3-day “Jungle Adventure” VBS held in 3 locations February 7-9.  Each location had a team of people working, and over 100 children attended and heard the Gospel presented. Please pray that the Lord would continue to work in the hearts of the children and their parents we were able to minister to during this time.


















Youth Camp

Thank you to those who prayed and gave to help with our youth camp. Due to heavy rains and mudslides that took out roads and bridges, several churches were unable to attend. Still we had about 45 campers from 6 different churches in our region.  The theme of the week was “Meetings,” focusing on the life of Jacob in Genesis 28-33.  Many decisions were made, and it was a great time of fellowship. Please pray that God would raise up a generation of young people who know, love, and serve the Lord.



















We were excited to see a couple in our church make the decision to get married after living together for more that 13 years.  Since they have begun to attend our church, the wife has gotten her life right with God, and the husband and teenage son have both been saved.  It has been a joy to see God working in their lives and them choosing to be obedient to Him.  Father and son are going to be baptized soon, along with 2 other young people and another lady.  Your prayers are appreciated for this new family and for other new converts in their spiritual growth.










Salvation Needs and Praises

We praise the Lord that the 19-year old young man to whom I have been witnessing for several months made the decision to trust Christ as Savior!  Please pray that he would grow and be obedient to God’s Word.  Mr. Novo, the Buddhist man I had been witnessing to, clearly heard the Gospel several times, but seems to have rejected Christ. We pray that God would use what he has heard and soften his heart.  Also please pray for Mr. Jose, whose daughter has been visiting our church.  His saved children are burdened for their dad who has Parkinson’s and is losing some of his mental capacity.  Please pray for wisdom and for him to hear and understand before it is too late.

Please pray…

-For Wilson and his family as they get adjusted to life at the Bible seminary in Trujillo, and that God would meet each need.

-That God would raise up more laborers for His service

-For the salvation of  visitors we have had over these last few months

-For our family as we travel to Iquitos at the end of March to visit the Peniel Baptist Church for their church anniversary

-For Easter weekend activities that we would be able to share the Gospel with many in our community

-For our family as we begin our 8th year of homeschool in March

-For the Thursday evening Bible study


Thank you so much for the kind Christmas gifts and cards that many sent to our family. They were such an encouragement and blessing to us!

Serving the Lord with gladness,

Robert & Sara Stover and Family



Field Contact Info:
Robert & Sara Stover
Casilla 317
Tacna, Peru
South America
E-mail: rstover22@yahoo.com
Vonage: 330-238-4944

Sending Church:
Carrollton Baptist Temple
Pastor David Powell
1211 Lincoln Ave. NW
Carrollton, OH 44615

Stateside Contact Info:
Macedonia World Baptist Missions
P.O. Box 519
Braselton, GA 30517

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