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Stover Family September/October 2018 Prayer Letter

Stover Family September/October 2018 Prayer Letter

Posted by

Thank you for continuing to hold us up in prayer.  Your prayers are a tremendous blessing to our family and the ministry here in Tacna. Jesus taught His disciples to pray in Luke 11.  One of the first phrases in the model prayer is, “Hallowed be thy name.” Hallowed means “to honor as holy; greatly revered or respected.” Do we “honor as holy” the God of heaven when we come before Him in prayer?  Do we strive to have a right vision of who God is so that we can boldly come before the throne of grace and “find grace to help in time of need”? (Heb. 4:16)

Family Conference:

We had a blessed time during our Family Conference in September, which was highlighted with a vow-renewal service during which 7 couples renewed their vows.  Later on in September, we were privileged to be a part of another family conference at Vision Baptist Church.  The Spirit of the Lord met with us in a special way, and we thank Him for what He did in hearts.  Please pray that the Lord would raise up Godly families here in Peru and around the world.


Vow Renewal Service











Bible Institute:

In September, Pastor Darío Pérez from Lima came to teach a modular on reaching children with the Gospel and developing ministries in the church to teach them the Bible.  It was a real blessing. Please pray for me as I teach the November modular class on Contemporary Theological Issues.

Children's Ministry Modular

Children’s Ministry Modular











We praise the Lord that our son Caleb followed the Lord in believer’s baptism in September. After celebrating his 11th birthday, Josiah was excited to be moved up to the teen class.  The Lord is truly working in this ministry, with more than 50 young people participating in youth meetings and/or church services.  We are praying for more laborers, as one family heavily involved with the youth will be heading to Bible College in March. Another family is also making plans to go.  We are excited to see them preparing to serve the Lord full-time and know God will provide laborers for His harvest if we ask Him. Please pray specifically for the salvation of one young man with whom I have been meeting, and that he would follow the Lord with his life.


We thank the Lord that Caleb followed Him in believer's baptism

We thank the Lord that Caleb followed Him in believer’s baptism

We thank God for how He is working in the young people of our church!

We thank God for how He is working in the young people of our church!













We were privileged to have Missionary Ivan Chacon from Santiago, Chile, to preach our annual missions revival October 19-21.  The passionate Bible messages he brought forth were a great encouragement.  Please pray that the Lord would use us as we go to take part in the missions conference at Grace Baptist Church with Pastor Willy Pari on November 16-18.  We also ask your prayers for Pastor Henry and I as we travel to Macará, Ecuador, November 6-12 to visit the Richard Macedo family, missionaries sent out of our church.

With Missionary Ivan Chacon from Santiago, Chile

With Missionary Ivan Chacon from Santiago, Chile











Upcoming Events:

-We praise God for the faithful work Missionary Beth Homan is doing with the deaf.  They will have a Deaf Conference Nov. 9-11 with a missionary speaker coming from the north. Already, 3 have put their faith in Christ. Please pray for this ministry!

-Please pray as much preparation is going on now for Christmas and summer outreaches: Christmas Cantata (Dec. 23), teen camp (6 churches signed up to come so far), VBS, and others.

Thank you so much for partnering with us to minister here in Perú. We couldn’t do what we do without your prayers and faithful support.

In Christ,

Robert & Sara Stover and Family



















Field Contact Info:
Robert & Sara Stover
Casilla 317
Tacna, Peru
South America
E-mail: rstover22@yahoo.com
Vonage: 330-238-4944

Sending Church:
Carrollton Baptist Temple
Pastor David Powell
1211 Lincoln Ave. NW
Carrollton, OH 44615

Stateside Contact Info:
Macedonia World Baptist Missions
P.O. Box 519
Braselton, GA 30517

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